Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Advantages Of Using A SBLC


By Juana Gamble

Successful business transactions take place right around the world every day. The success of these deals depends on a wide variety of factors. One of these is the assurance that the buyer will be able to pay after goods are delivered to them. No one wants to know that after they have sent their products to a customer, they will not be paid for them. This is one of eh reasons why an SBLC was developed.

In Dubai, many business people import and export goods each year. The city has a busy Information Technology sector and construction is also thriving there. While spending has cut back somewhat from the days of the boom, there are still goods being bought and sold on a daily basis. Several entrepreneurs rely on these documents in order to initiate contracts with Middle Eastern suppliers as well as those in North America.

Standby Letters of Credit smooth international trade because they give sellers the assurance that payment will be forthcoming. In every situation where they are used, the issuing bank is obligated to step in and make payment if their client cannot come up with cash to handle their obligation for some reason.

The vendor who is supplied with this type of letter can operate in a stress free manner and they never have to worry about getting their money. Once they present the document at the relevant bank, their money will be made available to them on first demand. They do not have to wait for an excessive amount of time or call on a team of lawyers to help them wrestle with the issuing bank just to get the funds that are owed to them.

People occasionally focus on the potential for conducting transactions related to physical goods with these letters. However, they can also be used when a buyer needs a particular service and wants to give the vendor the assurance that they will be paid. For example, this helps when a company has their needs met by a call center.

When entrepreneurs are conducting international transactions, these letters come in handy. However, they help with domestic trade as well. For example, farmers and cheese producers in Wisconsin who send brie to restaurants in New York know that they will receive payment for their goods in a timely manner.

When a bank decides that issuing this document is in their own best interest and that of the person thy represent, they first check to make sure the individual has good credit. This means the vendor does not have to do that. They just need to get the document and add it to their files so that it can be used if a situation arises. It is an effective backup plan for sellers.

At the end of the process, the bank expects to be repaid by their client. In that situation they usually are not worried either, since they check to make sure that this can be done before they issue any guarantees for their customer. Cash deposits, bonds, stocks are other assets are used as a basis for extending this type of letter.

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